CPC Leadership Race

Your Vote Matters. Your Vote is Power. Your Vote is your Voice.
Your Vote can impact lives and save our nation. Citizens vote for leaders to represent them, their values and their ideas.
Leaders support the citizens' interests.

Leslyn Lewis

Slogan: Hope • Unity • Compassion
French: Espoir • Unité • Compassion

Pierre Poilievre

Pierre Poilievre For Prime Minister Pierre Poilievre comme futur Premier Ministre

Jean Charest

Slogan: Built To Win
French: Bâti Pour Gagner

Roman Baber

Slogan: Change is coming
French: Le Changement arrive

Patrick Brown

Slogan: Fighter. Leader. Winner French: Un battant. Un chef. Un gagnant.

Scott Aitchinson

Slogan: The Right Approach
French: La bonne approche

Information on Candidates

Vote with intelligence. Your choice can save Canada.
“When the righteous is in authority the people rejoice, but when an unrighteous person rules the people groan.” (Proverb 29:2)

Leslyn Lewis

Campaign slogan: Hope • Unity • Compassion (French): Espoir • Unité • Compassion
Canada, Glorious and Free!
To put forward a bill protecting parental rights.
To address this global encroachment on our sovereignty by WHO and protect he independence of our health care system.
To cut imports of unethical oil stop funding dictators and unethical regimes around the world.
To cancel the carbon tax; make Canada an energy-independent nation and make Canada an energy superpower around the world.
To unite Canadians around core conservative principles of: Standing up for Canada's sovereignty; Balanced budgets; Defending fundamental rights and freedoms; Lower taxes; and Commitment to democracy.
To make Canada a great place to invest once again and reverse the policies holding back our natural resource development.
To make housing affordable for all Canadians.
To invest in the kind of infrastructure that will help all of our products get to market, and return Canada to a selling nation, instead of a buying one.
To restore our international reputation.
It's not about saying who is right and who is wrong. It's about who gets to speak. And the only acceptable answer is "everyone". EVERY CANADIAN MATTERS.

Pierre Poilievre

Campaign slogan: Pierre Poilievre For Prime Minister
Campaign slogan (French): Pierre Poilievre comme futur Premier Ministre
Poilievre says he would repeal Bill C-69 and Bill C-48 and approve the construction of oil and gas pipelines. He also calls for carbon capture technology subsidies. Poilievre calls for defunding of the CBC public broadcaster and elimination of subsidies for news businesses. Poilievre says he would eliminate the federal carbon tax. Poilievre has called for the inflation target assigned to the Bank of Canada to be lowered, by reducing the rate at which the supply of money is currently expanded. Poilievre opposes re-establishing the long-gun registry, and opposes the May 1, 2020 Order in Council ban on firearms. Poilievre disagrees with the stated policy objectives of the World Economic Forum, and opposes the organization's proposed "Great Reset".

Jean Charest

Campaign slogan: Built To Win
Campaign slogan (French): Bâti Pour Gagner
Charest says he would modify the federal carbon tax. Charest would increase defence spending. He would maintain childcare funding agreements reached with the provinces. Charest would maintain the May 1, 2020 Order in Council ban on certain firearms, and other existing gun laws. He would expand investment into nuclear reactors and hydrogen power. He would repeal Bill C-69 and Bill C-48. Charest says he would ban Huawei from operating in Canada. Charest would balance the budget.

Roman Baber

Campaign slogan: Change is Coming
Campaign slogan (French): Le changement arrive
Roman Baber calls for the elimination of COVID-19 vaccine mandates, vaccine passports and other restrictions. He opposes introduction of a universal basic income. Baber would seek to for defund the CBC public broadcaster and eliminate subsidies for news businesses.

Patrick Brown

Campaign slogan: Fighter. Leader. Winner.
Campaign slogan (French): Un battant. Un chef. Un gagnant.
He calls for the repeal of Quebec's Bill 21, which prohibits the wearing of religious symbols by certain public servants and contractors of the province.
He says he will ensure Canada meets its NATO defense spending target of 2% of GDP.
He stated that tax dollars are better spent on enforcing crime than prohibiting legally owned firearms.
He stated that he will appoint individuals selected by the Alberta Senate nominee elections to Senate seats representing Alberta, build a national energy corridor and clarify free-trade provisions in Canada in the Constitution.

Scott Aitchison

Campaign slogan: The Right Approach
Campaign slogan (French): La bonne approche
He opposes a carbon tax.
He would end supply management of dairy, poultry and eggs.
He calls for Canada to meet its NATO defence spending target of 2% of GDP.
He wants to tie federal funding to municipalities based on their approval of more homes.
He is opposed to Quebec's Bill 21.
He calls for the end of all federal vaccine mandates.
He will ensure that women have access to the resources they need to make their own informed reproductive healthcare decisions, without judgment.